Be sure you have access to all the newest Balance content and features by updating to the latest version of the app! You can update your Balance app to the latest version by following these steps:
iOS device (iPhone or iPad):
- Search for Balance: Meditation & Sleep app in the App Store on your iPhone or iPad.
- Tap the 'Update' button on the right side to download the latest version.
- Once complete, tap the Balance icon to be taken to the app.
Note: if you've downloaded/updated the Balance app, but don't see the icon on your home screen, you can check your App Library. You can find more information about your App Library on an iOS device here.
Android device:
- Search for Balance: Meditation & Sleep in the Google Play Store app on your Android device.
- Tap the 'Update' button on the right side to download the latest version.
- Once complete, tap the Balance icon to be taken to the app.